How We Built A Successful Partnership with GogoApps

To turn sophisticated technology and software solutions into engaging content is tricky, and many technology and SaaS companies need help with the task.

Polish software development and design provider, GogoApps, came to CopyHouse looking for a native English agency to create captivating content for their technical audiences. Our experience tackling complex technical subjects made us a perfect match for their requirements.

Thorough Briefing From The Start

We kickstarted the project by sitting down with GogoApps to go over their requirements and goals. GogoApps open and thorough briefing allowed us to break down technical details into simple and information. We could then use this information to create engaging content for them that would resonate with their audiences.

To gather the information we needed we partnered extensive research with client interviews. Once we had a clear picture of who GogoApps were and who their target audience was, we created in-depth customer personas that would help us put a face to their audiences.

Going The Extra Mile To Create Top Quality Content

One of the first articles we wrote for GogoApps covered the Go language, which is an open-source programming language. We set up interviews with GogoApps, where they shared their expertise on Go. But Golang requires highly technical knowledge, so our in-house copywriter took a two-hour online course about Golang to deepen his understanding.

By putting in the extra work, we were able to create a powerful piece of content about Go that suited people of all levels of tech knowledge.

Our goal was to create content for their blog and website that would suit technical people and those with less technical skills. To make this happen, we worked closely with GogoApps throughout every content creation process.

Using Agile Teamwork To Stay On Track

Our partnership with GogoApps was collaborative and agile from the start with regular communication via various channels like Slack and Trello. We set up a Trello board to have a clear view of our projects and where we were in the process.

Using such a transparent methodology allowed us to quickly implement any feedback from GogoApps and address issues before they arose. Our feedback calls were purposeful and organised, contributing to a smooth and efficient workflow. As a result, we could deliver all content pieces within schedule with a quality that exceeded client expectations.

We are currently building more work for the future, which is a sign of the success of our partnership with GogoApps. We look forward to creating more content that inspires both GogoApps and their customers.

Our Successful Partnership Demonstrated In 5-Star Review

As a result of our highly successful partnership, we were honoured to receive a five-star Clutch review from GogoApps, where they outlined how satisfied they are with our work.

Our Managing Director, Kathryn Strachan, also received a stellar LinkedIn review from GogoAps Business Developer, Jakub Nowakowski:

I had the pleasure of working with Kate for three months, but the decision-making process to kick off our cooperation lasted almost six months. I was very impressed with her marketing knowledge and communication skills. Every contact I had with Kate was pleasant and professional. I could always count on her expertise and problem-solving skills. You will be lucky to work with her and her team!
Jakub Nowakowski
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