Why Brands in Complex Industries Need a Content Marketing Agency


The modern business landscape is more complex and interconnected than ever before. A combination of rapid technological advancements, changing consumer behaviours, and heightened competition have created a dynamic environment that demands precise communication strategies that will wrangle the attention of target audiences onto your brand. 

But, for brands operating in complex industries, effectively conveying value propositions and engaging target audiences is easier said than done. This is where a specialised content marketing agency can be an indispensable ally.

In the following article, we’ll highlight the reasons why brands operating in complex industries should seriously consider enlisting the support of content marketing consultants, and illustrate how you can choose the right content marketing agency for your business needs.

Why Choose a Content Marketing Agency?

Back in the early days of the Internet, Microsoft Co-Founder Bill Gates wrote a short essay for the company’s website titled “Content is King.” The headline would ultimately outlive the article itself, with the phrase becoming a mainstay of marketing circles in the decades that followed. However, what is often overlooked is that the vast majority of the prophetic essay would eventually come true. 

In one of the standout quotes from the essay, Gates states: “Content is where I expect much of the real money will be made on the Internet, just as it was in broadcasting.” Time has proven Gates correct, in our current market, ‘content’ is indeed king.

More importantly, that ‘content’ comes in a multitude of different formats. For example, the short-form and reactionary content site, Twitter, was recently purchased for $44 billion, and Microsoft bought the business-oriented social media platform LinkedIn back in 2016 for $26 billion. Meanwhile, arguably the biggest content platform, YouTube, is estimated to be worth between $350 - 400 billion as a standalone product.

These lofty figures aren’t limited to social media giants, either. As highlighted by a report from Allied Market Research, the global content marketing market generated over $413 billion in 2022 and is expected to bring in $2 trillion by 2032.

So, it’s clear that there is a lot of value in “content.” But how does that relate to a content marketing agency? Well, with over 328 million terabytes of data being created every day, it can be hard to find your niche, especially when you’re in a complex industry. This is where a content marketing agency comes in.

Generally speaking, a content marketing agency specialises in creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content, which is uniquely crafted to attract and retain your audience. 

However, for brands that operate in complex industries such as Fintech, data analysis, and niche IT software development, content marketing agencies are invaluable partners. They offer comprehensive services, including content strategy development, content creation, distribution, and performance analysis. 

Perhaps most importantly, by partnering with a content marketing agency, brands in complex sectors can access a wealth of specialist writers and marketers who can help translate dense topics into successful and easy-to-digest marketing campaigns.

Benefits of Partnering with a Digital Content Marketing Agency

As touched on above, a digital content marketing agency can help deliver a wide range of benefits, especially for brands operating in more complex industries. In the following section, we will outline two specific benefits that brands can enjoy by enlisting the help of a content marketing agency or a content marketing consultant.

  1. Industry Expertise

A specialised content marketing agency such as CopyHouse — boasting a wealth of experience working alongside tech, fintech, and tech-adjacent brands — can offer a more nuanced approach to content writing that you wouldn’t necessarily achieve with an agency that doesn’t specialise in your sector. 

One of the benefits of working with a specialist content marketing agency is that they’re more likely to understand the intricate details, regulatory requirements, and nuances of your industry. This, in turn, allows them to create more bespoke content that better resonates with your intended target audience.

  1. Strategic Insights

A content marketing agency is more than just an external PR firm, tasked with writing the latest musings from your company’s director(s) across social media and your website. When utilised correctly, a digital content marketing agency (or content marketing consultant) can help your brand find its voice and identity.

Content marketing consultants often meet with key decision-makers and run strategic workshops to align content marketing efforts with broader business objectives. In these workshops, consultants examine the brand's core message and help create (or strengthen) its brand story, tone of voice, and ideal customer avatars.

Beyond the written word, a consultant will also examine the brand's overall visual identity and help establish the desired typography, colours, and profile. Lastly, once all of the above has been achieved, your consultant will help you to identify and research competitors, and then give you all the tools that you need to start differentiating your brand from the competition. 

For more information on how CopyHouse can help you achieve this and more, be sure to check out our dedicated content marketing strategy and consulting service page.  

Why CopyHouse is Your Ideal Content Marketing Partner

Partnering with a specialised content marketing agency offers numerous benefits for brands. From strategic insights and industry expertise to enhanced creativity and access to advanced tools, a digital content marketing agency can help brands communicate effectively, engage their audience, and achieve their business goals. 

CopyHouse stands out as a premier content marketing consultant. We’re a digital content marketing agency that excels at making complex topics simple and easy to understand, because we never forget to think about the people behind the brand. For example, our work with Avalara — a leader in tax compliance automation — saw the company experience significant web traffic and engagement growth after partnering with CopyHouse. Our agency’s deep understanding of regulatory landscapes, expertise in creating engaging content, and empathy for the needs of their customers, helped Avalara understand and connect more effectively with its target audience.

Similarly, Vizlib, a provider of advanced analytics and visualisation solutions, saw improved brand awareness and customer engagement thanks to CopyHouse’s ability to translate complex technical concepts into accessible and compelling content. This collaboration underscored the importance of working with a content marketing consultant who can convey technical information in a way that resonates with a broader audience.

By choosing CopyHouse, brands can leverage their strengths, focus on their core competencies, and drive sustained growth and success. CopyHouse’s wide range of tailored services includes specialist content writing, social media marketing, content design and public relations (PR). As a team that has worked with a number of global tech and finance firms worldwide, we are the ideal partner for brands in complex industries looking to navigate the complexities of modern content marketing.

Interested in how we can help your business grow? Get in touch with us today!

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