PR Services

The way the public perceives your brand is vital to your success. At CopyHouse, we boast a wealth of experience as a PR agency supporting global tech companies — assisting with media outreach, press releases, paid media, and much more. 

Driving Growth and Credibility Through Strategic PR

As a global agency with extensive expertise in the world of tech, we know that a strong PR presence should work in tandem with your content marketing. The inherent complexities of tech, and the trends that arise from it, make specialist PR services essential.

Ensure you have someone on your side who can break down jargon for mass audiences and tell your story to as wide an audience as possible.  We have access to a host of contacts in the tech industries and beyond, and know how to harness content to champion your brand to the general public. 

PR Services We Handle at CopyHouse

Press Material

We write, edit, and disseminate all relevant press-related content, including press releases, media alerts and pitches, press kits, fact sheets, story lead pieces, and all other promotional material that forms the backbone of your campaign.

Media Target Research

We conduct primary and secondary PR research on your behalf, covering the reading habits of your designated audience, potential challenges and opportunities, as well as drawing up a wishlist of your target media publications.

Organic & Paid Media Placement


Drawing on our comprehensive list of contacts in the world of media and tech, we manage all relevant press releases to the agreed contacts, who will then organically promote your business and grow your engagement.


We deliver high-quality PR ad content to multiple platforms, including print media and social networking sites, via pay-per-click advertising, branded content and display ads.

Awareness Outreach

Take your PR to the next level through outreach events. We’ll leverage our extensive network to find your relevant speaking events, podcasting opportunities, video interviews, and much more.

Benefits of Strategic PR Services

Refine your brand image and values
Build stronger relationships with collaborators
Increasing brand recognition
Connect to audiences
Boost your brand’s reputation
Draw attention to your products and services
Attract investment
Attain awesome ROI

Discover made-to-measure content marketing and PR from CopyHouse

Get in touch with our content marketing consultants and PR experts to find out how our team can help you drive strategic growth that will take your marketing efforts to the next level.

Get in touch

They are on the ball and had a great turnaround time when my company asked for a content audit. Their suggestions and advice were insightful and made sense, and they followed up soon after to ensure we were happy and able to understand and implement their strategies. They are very friendly and personable – would recommend!”

Solutions Driven

We’ve been really impressed at how they created valuable content for our marketing campaigns, all with a really impressive turnaround time.


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